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Pioneer Life

Pioneer Life – Skit by the Luther League in 1970
Introduction:  Marilyn Johnson
We would like to bring you today a few “living pictures” from the past showing you somewhat how our pioneer parents and grandparents dressed and lived.
While we hope that you will be entertained by this part of our program, entertainment is not the chief purpose. We hope that after you have seen this feature you will have gained a bit of appreciation, perhaps not only of the way our grandparents dressed in the “olden days” but that you will receive a little insight into the every day lives of these grand pioneers.
We owe them much; ours is a richer heritage because of these sturdy, sincere, God-fearing and consecrated people of our church. Untold blessings God has given us through our church and certainly in part through the faithful struggles of the pioneer men and women who helped lay the foundation for the work which has been so richly blessed by our Lord.
It is well to show gratitude and respect wherever and whenever we can.
Song: Oh Jesus I Have Promised
Confirmation:  Randy Flick
An important time in the life of a pioneer boy was his preparation for confirmation. A majority of the pioneers were confirmed in the Norwegian language and wore the clothing you see or clothing somewhat similar.
With an eager and tender heart he quickly learned and accepted the eternal truths of God’s Holy Word. He studied his catechism, hymn stanzas and Bible stories until he knew them from memory. On that never-to-by forgotten day he knelt at the altar and renewing his baptismal vow, made the sincere promise to serve his Master and Lord.
Song: O Perfect Love
Wedding Day:  Teresa Fandrich
Love and romance – what a rightful heritage of youth. With proper guidance, youth is the blossom time of true emotion and a time of renewal to all that is good, noble and true.
Happy is the girl who choses Christian companionship at this period of her life. When the pioneer mother was a bride there perhaps was little of outward gaiety and glamour, but as she stood at the altar she looked lovely because there was a visible unmistakable beauty and mobility of character.
Together with her chosen life mate she made the earnest resolution “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Their love for each other was sanctified by their mutual love for their God.
Song: Savior, Who Thy Flock Art Feeding
Baptism:  Garlet Melby
The first baby. Who can say what an unspeakable joy was in the other’s hear as she first gazed at her young child? Her heart was filled to overflowing and from the bottom of her heart she thanked her God for this wonderful gift. Suiting her actions to her word she saw to it that this precious soul was very soon brought to her Savior in the Sacrament of Baptism.
Recorded in many Ladies Aid histories are instances when a mother with her baby traveled a distance of twenty miles or more in an effort to contact a visiting pastor – and do sometimes three to five different times only to find the rumor that that pastor was there was incorrect.
It was in the face of such difficulties that her child was baptized. One can almost hear her say to herself: “Dear God, take my baby into Thy fold; make him strong and lead him in the way of live.” From then on we can be sure she did not neglect the Word of God, but tried to instill into its heart and mind Christian precepts to carry with him through life.
Ladies Aid – Pam Nelson and Patty Fandrich
The day of Ladies Aid was one of the most important events in a pioneer woman’s life. For days ahead she would plan her work so that if necessary, the whole day, or most of it could be spent at the Ladies Aid meeting. Oftentimes she would walk many miles to get there, many times taking several children with her; maybe carrying a aby in her arms. Oftentimes walking meant going through wet marshes and swamps necessitating a complete change of clothing when she finally arrived.
Our pioneer women did not lose sight of the principle aim in getting together, namely that of learning more about God, hearing His word read, and singing hymns of prayer and praise. We women of the present generation would do well to take special note of this.
Song:  A Mighty Fortress is our God
Attending Church – Randy Flick
Sunday meant chiefly one thing to our pioneers. That was a day set aside for the worship of God. Services were held in the homes and then sometimes in schoolhouses until churches could be built.
Their love for God’s Word was deep and they had it preached and taught in their midst as they had always had it in their homes when they were children. One pioneer history tells about how glad and thankful a certain family was when they heard the Word of God preached there in American on their arrival from Norway.
They said they had worried much about their baby daughter, fearing they would not be able to give her Christian training in this strange land. You can’t imagine how glad they were the first time they heard a sermon in this country; here was the Word of God being explained in the same way that it had always been heard at home in Norway, with the services conducted in the very same manner.
Song: Faith of Our Fathers
Let us not forget to pay tribute to the Christian parents who worked hard in their lowly homes; who did not neglect the Word of God, but tried to instill into the minds and hearts of their children Christian precepts to carry with them through life.
As one historian says “When I think of these pioneers, quiet and unobtrusive, expecting and wishing for no earthly reward, I think of their self-sacrificing service, their devotion to duty. No one sang their praises nor did they expect it. They are truly the heroes of those pioneer times.
God bless them.
Members of Luther League:
Randy Flick
Pam Nelson
Patty Fandrich
Garlet Melby
Teresa Fandrich
Marilyn Johnson
Song: O God Our Help in Ages Past
Source:  Luther League Members
Event Vang Lutheran Church 75th Anniversary Program
Date:  1970
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