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Dick and Emma Hirschkorn

Husband's Full Name:  Dick Emanuel Hirschkorn

Husband's Place of Birth:  Wilton, North Dakota

Husband's Father's Name:  Frederick Hirschkorn

Husband's Mother's Name: Otilia Lucas

Husband's Siblings' Names: Dan (Bertha) and Emil

Wife's Full Name:  Emma Anita Oster

Wife's Place of Birth:  St. Boswells, Sask

Wife's Father's Name: Adam Phillip Oster

Wife's Mother's Name:  Katherine Meyer

Wife's Siblings' Names:  John, Adam and Rosina, Katherine, Magdeline, Ida, Lily, Helen and Bertha

Children's Names: Richard (Betty Knoedel); DeWayne (Dyana Schander) Curtis (Pamela Davis)

Hirschkorn, Dick and Emma.jpg

Dick Emanuel Hirschkorn was born to Frederick and Otilia Hirschkorn at Wilton, North Dakota. The family later moved to rural Wells County and he grew up on a farm near Manfred.


Emma Anita Oster was born to Adam and Katherine Meyer Oster near St. Boswells, Saskatchewan, Canada. In 1931 she moved to the United States and lived near Manfred with her sister Katherine. 


Dick and Emma were married in Fessenden by Judge J. L. Johnston. They lived in Harvey for a time, and then moved to a farm in the rural Manfred area.


They were active members of the Manfred Seventh Day Adventist Church. They became parents of three sons:  Richard, DeWayne (Fritz), and Curtis. They retired from farming in 1970 and moved into Fessenden where Emma was active in the Specialist Club and the Thrift Shop Store. They enjoyed spending time with their family and their four grandchildren, Todd, Carol, Darin and Doran.


Dick passed away on March 5, 1974. Emma continued to live in Fessenden until she passed away on March 1, 1982. 

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