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Matt and Mary Detling

Husband's Full Name:  Matt J. Detling

Husband's Place of Birth:  Moose Jaw, Sask.

Husband's Father's Name: Sebastian Dettling

Husband's Mother's Name: Elizabeth Volk Dettling  (original spelling)

Husband's Siblings' Names:

Wife's Full Name:  Mary A. Fix Detling

Wife's Place of Birth:  Selz, ND

Wife's Father's Name:  Frank Fix

Wife's Mother's Name: Elizabeth Buchmeier Fix

Wife's Siblings' Names:  Philomina Huss, Emanuel, Nick, Charles

Children's Names: Ann Sauter, Lena Walz, Burga Smestad, Betty Froeber, Emanual, Grace Thueringer, Joseph, Leo, Matt, Garry, Harry, Ned, Clara Elhardt, William, Lorretta Graumann

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Matt J. Detling. Matt was born February 13, 1903, near Moose Jaw, Sask. His parents (Sebastian and Elizabeth *Volk* Dettling) born in Odessa, Russia, immigrated to Canada in the late 1800s. Matt’s mother was a widow two times, as also married a Thomas and later a Heilman. As a child, Matt moved with his family to Orrin, and in 1910 the family moved to Rugby, ND. On February 4, 1928, he married Mary Anna Fix at Selz. Mary’s parents (Frank & Elizabeth *Buchmeier* Fix) also born in Russia, immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1800s. Matt & Mary farmed near Silva until 1944, when they moved to a farm in the Manfred area. Matt retired from farming in 1966 and he and his family moved to Harvey. Matt died September 1, 1976, in Harvey and Mary Anna died August 12, 1980, in Harvey, and both are buried in St. Cecilia's Catholic cemetery near Harvey.


The following children were born to them: Sebastian (died as an infant); Ann (the late Edward) Sauter ~Roseburg, Ore.; Lena (Al) Walz ~ Fargo; Burga (Orville) Smestad ~Valley City; the late Betty and Jerry Froeber; the late Emmanuel and Nancy; Grace (the late Francis) Thueringer ~ Renton, Wash.; Joe (Shirley) ~ Mound, Minn.; the late Leo (Crystal) ~ Billings, Mont.; Matt, Jr. (Lois) ~ Watford City; Harry ~ Manfred; Garry (Betty) ~ Bismarck, N.D.; Ned (Jackie) ~ Mitchell, Neb.; Bill (Carol) ~ Denver, Colo.; Clara (Gerald) ~ Fargo; and Lorretta (Joel) Graumann ~ Fountain Hills, Arizona


Matt and Mary enjoyed the blessings of many grandchildren during their lives. Family members remember their hard work ethic, strong faith, moral values, and German Russian ethnic foods.


Community: Members of St. Augustine’s Catholic Church in Fessenden, the Manfred Farmers Union, and while in Harvey – St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church.

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