Manfred History & Preservation, Inc.
Phillip and Hilda Deede
Husband's Full Name: Phillip Deede
Husband's Place of Birth: Manfred Township, ND
Husband's Father's Name: Andrew Deede
Husband's Mother's Name: Dorothy Frank Deede
Husband's Siblings' Names: Gottlieb, Pauline Herman, Kate Hirschkorn
Christine Hauser, Amelia Lang, Molly Miller
Wife's Full Name: Hilda Rodacker Deede
Wife's Place of Birth: Fessenden, ND
Wife's Father's Name: Matt Rodacker
Wife's Mother's Name: Sophia Fischer Rodacker
Wife's Siblings' Names: Ella Thygeson, Albert Rodacker, Emma Miller
Child's Name: Hildor Deede

The Deede brothers, Gottlieb and Phillip worked together as carpenters beginning in 1915 when Phillip was only fifteen years old. They built buildings needed by area farmers such as barns, granaries, as well as additions to existing buildings.
To begin a building project the brothers ordered the needed materials, which were then delivered by wagons directly to the building site. One might wonder how many wagonloads were necessary in order to haul the large quantity of materials needed to build a barn. The brothers would then measure the lumber to the proper lengths and cut it with handsaws ready for the building project. After all was prepared, they would then recruit men to help them erect the structure.
Phillip had expressed how pleased he was to help the area farmers with their building projects. Two of these hip-roofed buildings are still in existence: the one on his father’s homestead, as well as, the barn on the Gene Melby farm built in 1915. Another barn no longer in existence, built in 1920, was for Mike Fischer.
(Source: the New Manfred News December 2002, page 11)
Phillip and Hilda moved into the Fessenden community in 1940. They purchased the Rodacker farm four miles west of Fessenden in St. Anna Township.
Their son Hildor attended country grade school and graduated from Fessenden High School. In 1951 he married Nellie Harris. He entered the army and was sent to Korea where he served 18 months overseas. Phillip and Hilda remained on the farm until Hildor’s return in 1953, when they purchased a home in Fessenden, known as the G. L. Hope house. Phillip continued his interest in the farm until the early 1970’s. The Rodacker family farm continues to be farmed by Hildor and his sons Thomas and Wayne.
Source: Fessenden Centennial Book