Manfred History & Preservation, Inc.
Olaf and Ragnhild Wolding
Olaf and Ragnhild Wolding
Husband's Full Name: Olaf Wolding
Husband's Place of Birth: Iowa, USA
Husband's Father's Name: Jorgen Larson Voldeng
Husband's Mother's Name: Bertha Johannesdtr
Husband's Siblings' Names: unknown
Wife's Full Name: Ragnhild Melby Skattebo
Wife's Place of Birth: Øystre Slidre, Oppland, Norway
Wife's Father's Name: Knud Olsen Rudi Melby
Wife's Mother's Name: Guri Kristensdotter Melby
Wife's Siblings' Names: Guri Ranum, Ole, Christen, Knut, Gulbrand, Marit, Caroline, Martin, Oscar
Children's Names: Beatrice Gullickson, Gladys Hungate Sherva, Lila Burchet, Cora Sloan, Elliott, Orivn (Pearl) Alfred (Gladys)
Ragnhild’s First Husband: Ole Skattebo (no children)

Ragnhild, known as Nellie, was the fifth child born to Knut and Guri Melby on October 7, 1873. During her earliest years, she lived on the Melby farm in Rogne, Øystre Slidre, Valdres, Norway and attended the Rogne school and church. In 1881 when she was 7½ years old, her parents sold the Melby farm and the whole family emigrated from Norway to Goodhue County, Minnesota. In 1884, her parents homesteaded to Griggs County, North Dakota, and in 1887 they moved to Foster County and farmed there for six years. It was during the years in Foster County that she married Ole G Skattebo. He was born March 13, 1868 in Rogne, Øystre Slidre, Valdres, Norway to Gulbrand Knutson Skattebo and Marit Olsdotter.
Ole and Nellie joined with others in the family in the westward move to Wells County by filing on a homestead on Section 11 of West Norway Township, about 10 miles northeast of Manfred. They became members of Vang Lutheran Church in 1895, and Ole served at a Deacon beginning in 1896. The nice life they had begun together was short lived, when Ole learned that he was terminally ill. He then longed to return to Norway to spend his final days, so Ole together with Nellie went back to Øystre Slidre where he then died on May 29, 1899. Nellie then notified her brother Ole K Melby of what had come to pass, and he departed for Norway with the mission of escorting Nellie back to North Dakota. The 1900 census indicates that Nellie went to live with her parents on their farm together with her sister Caroline and two brothers Martin and Oscar.
On December 29, 1901, Nellie married Olaf Wolding. Olaf was born in Iowa in 1871, and like so many others, he come to Wells County and homesteaded. His first farm was at the southern edge of Fram Township on Section 35 boarding Manfred Township to the north. So in this way Nellie and Olaf had the opportunity to meet through living in the same community, and after their marriage they started a new farm at Section 19 in Hillsdale Township located in the most northeast corner of Wells County about halfway between Harvey and Martin. Six children were born to them: Beatrice 1902, Gladys 1905, Lila 1907, Cora 1909, Orvin 1912, and Alfred 1916. In 1919, Olaf and Nellie moved further west in ND to Big Bend Township in Mountrail County. They helped found Grand Valley Lutheran Church and are buried there. Olaf died March of 1942, and Nellie on December 16, 1955.