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Rognlie & Sorenson Hardware

Location: Block 2, Lot 1

Proprietors: Paul Rognlie and Ben Sorenson

Year Started: ca 1899

Year Ended: ca 1911

Pictured in front of the building, the Aasand brothers; Anton at left, Steiner at right

History of Business: Paul Rognlie and Ben Sorenson started a hardware store in a building directly east of the Vang Church on the same lot in 1900.  In 1902 they moved to  Block 2, known as the triangle, as pictured. Paul sold his share of the business to Ben Sorenson, his partner. Paul moved to Esmond and opened a hardware store there. Ben Sorenson died in 1908, Steiner Aasand, as executor of his estate sold the land to Jacob Klev. In 1916 Anton Aasand purchased this store. Later Anton Aasand rented the building to Rudolph Peterson. The building was destroyed by fire.

Daisy – Rognlie & Sorenson Hardware


Reference points:

Red rectangle - Manfred School

Blue rectangle - Vang Lutheran Church

Purple rectangle – Post Office/Bank

Green rectangle – Solheim Station

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